About the serialised book

About the serialised book
Photo by Mollie Sivaram / Unsplash

Hi everyone,
At last, the beginning of the long promised serialised book.

Thanks to all of you that attended the first Q&A. And also for all of your comments and support.

There is no doubt that I shall be incorporating the questions and answers from that session on the future ones that I will run in the book but I felt that the most important thing to do was to provide an introduction for completely new meditators.

I have written three articles. Basically they are drafts but I've published them here because it is quite possible that I momentum as I go.

I have made these three articles public but most future book episode articles will be paid subscription only but I may release the occasional episode as a teaser.

I have now allocated some time for these on a regular basis so I expect them to appear quite consistently.

The articles will be published over the course of the next few days.

Please do comment and refer any questions or corrections to me.

Thank you all!

Blessings, Robert.



#meditation, #resilience and #mindfulness teacher (I’ve taught about 3,000 classes). Founder of @bromleymindfulness and @themeditationcourse
London, England.