About The 7 Easy Steps To Mastering Meditation Course

This training is designed for you if you are new to meditation, returning to meditation, trying to rebuild your practice or struggling to maintain your practice.
It's a collection of seven 7-minute classes that are emailed to you every week for seven weeks.
This course is free for everyone.
The training is designed to be Frictionless.
This is the training that will work for most people for most of the time.
The classes are an easy, soft, and gentle way into, or back into, meditation.
There are two series of videos.
Series One is bite-sized chunks which are available to anyone free of charge.
Series Two is a collection of seven 45-minute classes within The Meditation Course.
Why this format and this training?
I chose YouTube because it is universally accessible.
I designed the series/course to align with my Four Rules of Meditation.
The Four Rules are:
- Take Baby Steps
- You Are In Control
- Fix Your Roof In The Sunshine
- Do Less Than You Can.
Baby Steps - You can keep coming back to the bite-sized chunks over and over again.
You Are In Control - There is no timetable, no expectations, no goals. Do the training, short or long in any order.
Fix Your Roof In The Sunshine - The links are always here. The training is always available and accessible.
Do Less Than You Can - Short (seven-minute) Bite-Sized Chunks for quick and simple classes.
Accessing the Training
To get the free 7-minute, bite-sized chunks of meditation magic emailed to you every five days, click below.

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