Saturday Morning Meditation Class - April 9, 2022

Saturday Morning Meditation Class - April 9, 2022

Free Public Talk and Meditation Class on Podbean at 10 AM London time.

There is a tidal wave of insomnia at the moment. It is becoming one of the main things that students say when I ask them about their training priorities.
A talk on, and an investigation of insomnia and the practices we can learn to reduce it.


Insomnia - Saturday Morning Meditation Class - April 9, 2022 | Podbean Livestream
There is a tidal wave of insomnia at the moment. It is becoming one of the main things that students say when I ask them about their training priorities. A talk on, and an investigation of insomnia and the practices we can learn to reduce it.


#meditation, #resilience and #mindfulness teacher (I’ve taught about 3,000 classes). Founder of @bromleymindfulness and @themeditationcourse
London, England.