Updates on Our Website & Exclusive Member Features

Hello Everyone,

I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing this quick update to let you know about some changes and updates to the site and remind members about some exclusive features they have access to. If you haven't subscribed yet, you will also get a glimpse of membership benefits.

What's New?
I now have a dedicated blog link on the top navigation.
Expect to see more regular articles over time.

Where has the Podcast Link Gone?
Podcasts can now be found in the members area.

Easy Login
To sign in, click the 'Login' link in the top navigation.☝

Exploring Our Website - A Useful List 👇
I would like to highlight a few sections on our site where you can find resources that support your meditation and mindfulness practices, and assist in building resilience.

1. Podcasts: An Audio Library of Meditation Classes

Our podcast is the first resource I'd like to introduce. In case you haven't explored this yet, you can access it through the members area (click on 'Members' in the top navigation). I have about 250 recorded meditation classes available on the podcast for you to listen to at your convenience. *Note that Podcasts is no longer in the top navigation. You will be able to find it through the members area.

2. Recorded Classes: Learn at Your Pace

Additionally, you have the opportunity to listen to recorded classes that are available to listen to on the site. You can access them from the members' area located at the top of the navigation menu. Simply scroll down to find the 'Recorded Classes' section. Remember, you won't need an external podcast app for these; all recordings are accessible directly on our site.

3. Blog & Weekly Insights: Nourishing Your Knowledge

Despite the fact that I haven't been actively publishing on the blog, I plan to start soon. I have some blog articles in my workflow. An exclusive feature for our members is the 'Weekly Insights', accessible from the same members' area. These are more like weekly-ish insights, as I don't necessarily post every single week and sometimes more than once.

4. Subscription Details & Communication

Lastly, I want to remind you about the subscription information and comments section in your emails. You will find your up-to-date subscription details at the bottom of every email received from our site. This information includes your current subscription plan, payment details, and upcoming payments. This feature ensures you are never surprised by a forgotten subscription coming out of your account.

Also, each email features a comments section, where you can see comments, likes, or dislikes. Feel free to express your opinion; it helps me understand your preferences. You can start a conversation on any subject by simply clicking the comments section.

Need Assistance? Contact Me!

If you need any further information or assistance using the site, please feel free to reach out. You can reach me via the contact page located in the navigation menu at the top of the site.

Have a wonderful day ahead, and I eagerly look forward to catching up with all of you in some future training.

Kind Regards,