The Science of Resilience

Resilience isn't a genetic gift that some people have and others don't.
Resilience is a learning process.
Resilient people have integrated a resilience learning process into their lives.
Resilient people fix their roof in the sunshine.
Resilience is all about connection. As social animals, our priority is to connect with others.
The first step on the path to resilience is having the stress management and emotional regulation practices in place that allow you to live on the edge of your social comfort zone. Then you can grow it.
I mentioned social comfort zone very specifically because it's our ability to make fulfilling connections with others that determines how we can cope with difficulties. The scientific literature on this is immense.
If our social connections only consist of a bubble of friends and family that we feel comfortable in, that bubble will only ever shrink over time. It needs to grow.
That means we need to learn how to connect and reconnect constantly. We need to find and build and grow our own tribe.
This is what I do and this is what I teach.
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