Transform Your Sleep and Boost Your Energy with Our 4-Week Sleep, Rest & Energy Course

About The Course

The course consists of four group training sessions online on Zoom, running from 8 pm to 9.15 pm on consecutive Mondays in September starting on Monday, October 2.

Newcomers get one free month of The Meditation Course membership, so you can join us and continue practising your new techniques in a group with my regular students.

You get two optional one-to-one, 15-minute personal guidance and support calls (You can take these at any point during the course).

There will be opportunities for questions and answers at the beginning and end of the sessions.

To sign up, pay using the button below and let me know you have done so. I shall send you the Zoom link.


The price is £57, payable in advance.

If you are a paid member of The Meditation Course or a regular attendee at my meditation classes, the price is £37.

Combining Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and Mantra

Meditation, Pranayama, and Yoga Nidra in a four-week course combines to enhance sleep, rest, and energy.

Each practice offers unique benefits that complement each other, creating a comprehensive approach to addressing sleep issues and promoting overall well-being.

By integrating Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra and Mantra into a single course, participants can experience the combined benefits of these practices, leading to enhanced sleep, rest, and energy. The course can provide a supportive framework for developing a personalized and sustainable routine that promotes long-term well-being.

Our Reviews

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Meditation and Sleep

Meditation is a mental practice that involves focusing the mind, cultivating awareness, and promoting relaxation to achieve a state of inner calm and balance.

Meditation can benefit and enhance sleep in several ways:

1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Meditation helps to alleviate stress and anxiety by fostering a sense of relaxation and calmness. By quieting the mind and reducing the effects of stress, it becomes easier to fall asleep and experience better sleep quality.

2. Enhances relaxation: Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body's rest and digestion functions. This promotes relaxation and helps to counteract the adverse effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the stress response.

3. Improves focus and mindfulness: Meditation cultivates mindfulness and focus, which can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. This heightened awareness allows them to recognize sleep-disruptive habits, thoughts, or behaviours and address them more constructively.

4. Regulates sleep patterns: Regular meditation can help regulate sleep patterns by balancing the body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm. This balance can improve sleep quality and duration.

To sign up, pay using the button below and let me know you have done so. I shall then send you the Zoom link.

About Pranayama

Pranayama is an ancient yogic practice focusing on breath control and regulation to promote overall well-being, balance, and harmony. It is derived from two Sanskrit words: "prana," which means life force or vital energy, and "ayama," which means extension or control. Pranayama is a key component of yoga, along with asanas (physical postures) and meditation.

Pranayama can enhance and benefit sleep through several mechanisms:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Pranayama techniques help calm the mind and reduce stress, a common cause of sleep disturbances. Practising pranayama regularly can develop better stress management skills, leading to improved sleep quality.
  2. Balances the nervous system: Pranayama helps to balance the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) systems. Pranayama encourages relaxation and promotes better sleep by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  3. Increases oxygenation and circulation: Pranayama techniques often focus on deep and rhythmic breathing, which improves oxygenation and blood circulation throughout the body. This enhanced oxygen supply relaxes the body and helps to induce sleep.
  4. Cultivates mindfulness: Pranayama encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, enabling individuals to become more aware of their breath and bodily sensations. This increased awareness can help identify sleep-disruptive habits and promote better sleep hygiene.

About Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep" or "conscious deep sleep," is a guided meditation technique that promotes deep relaxation and self-awareness. It is a state of consciousness between wakefulness and deep sleep, allowing practitioners to access their subconscious mind while maintaining a sense of wakeful awareness. Yoga Nidra involves following verbal instructions to guide the practitioner through various relaxation, visualization, and self-inquiry stages.

Yoga Nidra can benefit and enhance sleep in several ways:

1. Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra induces deep relaxation that affects the physical, mental, and emotional levels. This deep relaxation helps to release tension and stress stored in the body and mind, creating optimal conditions for restorative sleep.

2. Reduces stress and anxiety: By guiding the practitioner through a systematic process of relaxation and self-awareness, Yoga Nidra helps alleviate stress and anxiety, common factors contributing to sleep disturbances and poor sleep quality.

3. Balances the nervous system: Yoga Nidra activates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and digestion. This activation counteracts the stress response initiated by the sympathetic nervous system and promotes relaxation, contributing to better sleep.

4. Cultivates mindfulness: Through Yoga Nidra, individuals develop greater mindfulness and self-awareness, enabling them to recognize and address sleep-disruptive thoughts, emotions, or habits.

5. Improves sleep quality: Regular practice of Yoga Nidra has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration and reduce insomnia symptoms. This is partly due to the deep relaxation and stress reduction experienced during the practice.

About Mantra

Mantra meditation focuses on a repeated phrase, either in the mind or repeated out loud.

Mantra meditation is a powerful way of diverting the inner dialogue from its tendency to repeat the day's drama far more than is necessary. Like much meditation and mindfulness practice, using mantra effectively relies on subtleties and nuances of the practice so it is far better taught personally.

Mantra meditation is a specific type of meditation where a person silently repeats a word, phrase, or sound, known as a mantra, in order to quiet the mind, increase awareness, and promote relaxation. There are several sleep-related benefits to mantra meditation.

Focus: Mantras give our minds a focus point. This helps to minimize random thoughts and reduce mental clutter, leading to a calm and peaceful mind. When our mind is calm and quiet, it's easier to fall asleep and get a deeper, more restful sleep.

Relaxation: As a person meditates and repeats their mantra, they often also incorporate other relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can reduce physical tension and promote relaxation, both of which can enhance sleep.

Mindfulness: Repeating a mantra can bring about a state of mindfulness in which we are fully present and engaged with our current experience rather than thinking about the past or the future. This mindful state can reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep and improving sleep quality.

Biochemical effects: Meditation, including mantra meditation, has been found to reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. High cortisol levels can interfere with falling asleep and staying asleep. By reducing cortisol levels, mantra meditation can enhance sleep.

Brainwave activity: Meditation has also been shown to affect brainwave activity, promoting the brainwaves (theta and delta) associated with deep relaxation and sleep. By promoting these brainwave states, mantra meditation can make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.

Regulating the sleep-wake cycle: Regular meditation can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, also known as your circadian rhythm. If you meditate at the same time daily, your body can become accustomed to this routine. This can signal to your body that it's time to start winding down and preparing for sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at consistent times.

About The Training

The training is live-streamed and recorded if you can't attend the class. The course will run on Zoom.

There is supporting material, video, audio and references to scientific journal articles and books and links to podcast episodes by the author.

You will get home practices each week.

Over four weeks, you will learn to manage your sleep, rest and energy to rebuild your focus and calmness.

To sign up, pay using the button below and let me know you have done so. I shall then send you the Zoom link.