
10 am Saturday 18 September 2021 on Podbean, on Instagram live and in-person drop-in at @contingentworks

If you can't forgive, you can't be happy.

Our brains prioritise threats, fears, doubts and suffering. Without releasing them, they will last a lifetime...

Resentment is a life sentence. It's drinking the poison while wanting the other to suffer.

Forgiveness isn't about letting bad people get away with doing bad things.
Forgiveness is about releasing yourself from the toxic state that someone has created for you.

If you can't forgive others, you can't forgive yourself.

If you can't forgive yourself, you can't take the first and most important step in self-healing which is self-compassion.

No compassion, no healing.

No forgiveness = no compassion = no healing = suffering.

It's our choice. We can hold onto our resentment for as long as we wish. If you want to see what it does to you, you only need to look around. There is a world full of resentment-based suffering to see.

On Podbean

Saturday Morning Meditation - Forgiveness | Podbean Livestream
A Short talk on forgiveness followed by healing meditations.

On Instagram Live at @bromleymindfulness